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Influence of thermomechanical treatment and pH on the denaturation kinetics of highly concentrated whey protein isolate

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Comparing different methods for estimating kinetic parameters of whey protein heat-induced denaturation in infant milk formulas

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Technofunctionality of β-Lg and β-Lg Nanosized Particles at Air/Water and Oil/Water Interfaces as a Function of Structural and Surface Characteristics

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Towards recombinantly produced milk proteins: Physicochemical and emulsifying properties of engineered whey protein beta-lactoglobulin variants

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Influence of pH, Temperature and Protease Inhibitors on Kinetics and Mechanism of Thermally Induced Aggregation of Potato Proteins

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Calcium Chelation by Phosphate Ions and Its Influence on Fouling Mechanisms of Whey Protein Solutions in a Plate Heat Exchanger

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The transitioning feature between uncooked and cooked cowpea seeds studied by the mechanical compression test

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Kinetic and structural characterization of whey protein aggregation in a millifluidic continuous process

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Effect of casein/whey ratio on the thermal denaturation of whey proteins and subsequent fouling in a plate heat exchanger

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Viscoelasticity and Protein Interactions of Hybrid Gels Produced from Potato and Whey Protein Isolates

David J. Andlinger, Lena Rampp, Caren Tanger and Ulrich Kulozik
ACS Food Science & Technology 1 (7) 1304 (2021)

Effects of microsecond pulsed electric field (μsPEF) and modular micro reaction system (MMRS) treatments on whey protein aggregation

Robert Axelrod, Julia Baumgartner, Etienne Tanner, Michael Beyrer and Alexander Mathys
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Comparative Assessment of Thermal Aggregation of Whey, Potato, and Pea Protein under Shear Stress for Microparticulation

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Correlation between Physico-Chemical Characteristics of Particulated β-Lactoglobulin and Its Behavior at Air/Water and Oil/Water Interfaces

Franziska Kurz, Vera Reitberger, Claudia Hengst, Christine Bilke-Krause, Ulrich Kulozik and Jannika Dombrowski
Foods 10 (6) 1426 (2021)

Characterization of heterogeneous intermediate ensembles on the guanidinium chloride-induced unfolding pathway of β-lactoglobulin

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Delineating the conformational dynamics of intermediate structures on the unfolding pathway of β-lactoglobulin in aqueous urea and dimethyl sulfoxide

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Influence of moderate electric fields in β-lactoglobulin thermal unfolding and interactions

Rui M. Rodrigues, Zita Avelar, António A. Vicente, Steffen B. Petersen and Ricardo N. Pereira
Food Chemistry 304 125442 (2020)

Kinetics of denaturation and aggregation of highly concentrated β-Lactoglobulin under defined thermomechanical treatment

Maria Quevedo, Ulrich Kulozik, Heike P. Karbstein and M. Azad Emin
Journal of Food Engineering 274 109825 (2020)

Qishta—A Lebanese Heat Concentrated Dairy Product Characteristics and Production Procedures

Mustapha Najib, Mohamad Walid Hallab, Karim Hallab, Zaher Hallab, Guillaume Delaplace, Monzer Hamze and Nour-Eddine Chihib
Foods 9 (2) 125 (2020)

Dynamic model to predict heat-induced protein denaturation and fouling in a Direct Contact Steam Condensation process

S.S. Safavi Nic, K.A. Buist, R.E.M. Verdurmen and J.A.M. Kuipers
Chemical Engineering Science: X 8 100075 (2020)

Multi-step thermally induced transitions of β-lactoglobulin – An in situ spectroscopy approach

Rui M. Rodrigues, Bárbara Claro, Margarida Bastos, Ricardo N. Pereira, António A. Vicente and Steffen B. Petersen
International Dairy Journal 100 104562 (2020)

RP-HPLC method for simultaneous quantification of free and total thiol groups in native and heat aggregated whey proteins

Franziska Kurz, Claudia Hengst and Ulrich Kulozik
MethodsX 7 101112 (2020)

A numerical model for studying the thermal denaturation-aggregation of whey proteins under continuous thermal processing

Artemio Plana-Fattori, Christophe Doursat, Alienor Coutouly, Alain Riaublanc and Denis Flick
International Journal of Food Studies 9 (3) 17 (2020)

A mathematical model for the prediction of the whey protein fouling mass in a pilot scale plate heat exchanger

Yingying Gu, Laurent Bouvier, Alberto Tonda and Guillaume Delaplace
Food Control 106 106729 (2019)

Kinetics of heat-induced denaturation of proteins in model infant milk formulas as a function of whey protein composition

Amira Halabi, Amélie Deglaire, Pascaline Hamon, et al.
Food Chemistry 125296 (2019)

Formation of β-Lactoglobulin Aggregates from Quite, Unfolded Conformations upon Heat Activation

Paulo D. S. Peixoto, Xavier Trivelli, Christophe André, Anne Moreau and Guillaume Delaplace
Langmuir 35 (2) 446 (2019)

Thermal denaturation of bovine β-lactoglobulin in different protein mixtures in relation to antigenicity

Dimuthu Bogahawaththa, Jayani Chandrapala and Todor Vasiljevic
International Dairy Journal 91 89 (2019)

Modelling the changes in viscosity during thermal treatment of milk protein concentrate using kinetic data

Quang Tri Ho, Kevin M. Murphy, Kamil P. Drapala, et al.
Journal of Food Engineering 246 179 (2019)

Structural and compositional changes during UHT fouling removal—Possible mechanisms of the cleaning process

Carin Hagsten, Annika Altskär, Stefan Gustafsson, et al.
Food Structure 21 100118 (2019)

Effect of the calcium/protein molar ratio on β-lactoglobulin denaturation kinetics and fouling phenomena

M. Khaldi, T. Croguennec, C. André, et al.
International Dairy Journal 78 1 (2018)

Thermal denaturation kinetics of whey proteins in reverse osmosis and nanofiltration sweet whey concentrates

Melanie Marx and Ulrich Kulozik
International Dairy Journal 85 270 (2018)

Effect of pH on the reaction mechanism of thermal denaturation and aggregation of bovine β-lactoglobulin

Elena Leeb, Nicole Haller and Ulrich Kulozik
International Dairy Journal 78 103 (2018)

Effect of calcium on the fouling of whey protein isolate on stainless steel using QCM-D

Wang Yang, Dan Li, Xiao Dong Chen and Ruben Mercadé-Prieto
Chemical Engineering Science 177 501 (2018)

Monomerization and aggregation of β-lactoglobulin under adverse condition: A fluorescence correlation spectroscopic investigation

Bhaswati Sengupta, Nilimesh Das and Pratik Sen
Biochimica et Biophysica Acta (BBA) - Proteins and Proteomics 1866 (2) 316 (2018)

Partial replacement of whey proteins by rapeseed proteins in heat-induced gelled systems: Effect of pH

William Nicholas Ainis, Carsten Ersch and Richard Ipsen
Food Hydrocolloids 77 397 (2018)

Development and Validation of CFD Models of Thermal Treatment on Milk Whey Proteins Dispersion In Batch and Continuous Process Condition

Massimiliano Rinaldi, Matteo Cordioli, Marcello Alinovi, Matteo Malavasi, Davide Barbanti and Germano Mucchetti
International Journal of Food Engineering 14 (9-10) (2018)

Fatty acid specific δ13C values reveal earliest Mediterranean cheese production 7,200 years ago

Sarah B. McClure, Clayton Magill, Emil Podrug, et al.
PLOS ONE 13 (9) e0202807 (2018)

Proteomic Profiling Comparing the Effects of Different Heat Treatments on Camel (Camelus dromedarius) Milk Whey Proteins

Hicham Benabdelkamel, Afshan Masood, Ibrahim Alanazi, Dunia Alzahrani, Deema Alrabiah, Sami AlYahya and Assim Alfadda
International Journal of Molecular Sciences 18 (4) 721 (2017)

Influence of shear stress, pectin type and calcium chloride on the process stability of thermally stabilised whey protein–pectin complexes

Kristin Protte, Thomas Ruf, Zeynep Atamer, et al.
Food Structure 14 76 (2017)


Md. Sultan Mahomud, Nakako Katsuno and Takahisa Nishizu
Reviews in Agricultural Science 5 1 (2017)

Impact of the environmental conditions and substrate pre-treatment on whey protein hydrolysis: A review

Seronei Chelulei Cheison and Ulrich Kulozik
Critical Reviews in Food Science and Nutrition 57 (2) 418 (2017)

A kinetic model for whey protein denaturation at different moisture contents and temperatures

James C. Atuonwu, Joydeep Ray and Andrew G.F. Stapley
International Dairy Journal 75 41 (2017)

Predicting the distribution of whey protein fouling in a plate heat exchanger using the kinetic parameters of the thermal denaturation reaction of β-lactoglobulin and the bulk temperature profiles

P. Blanpain-Avet, C. André, M. Khaldi, et al.
Journal of Dairy Science 99 (12) 9611 (2016)

Coupling population balance model and residence time distribution for pilot-scale modelling of β-lactoglobulin aggregation process

Nicolas Erabit, Fatou Toutie Ndoye, Graciela Alvarez and Denis Flick
Journal of Food Engineering 177 31 (2016)

The effect of temperature and shear upon technological properties of whey protein concentrate: Aggregation in a tubular heat exchanger

Fernanda Kerche, Martijn Weterings and Michael Beyrer
International Dairy Journal 60 32 (2016)

Role of Whey Components in the Kinetics and Thermodynamics of β-Lactoglobulin Unfolding and Aggregation

Jeremy Petit, Anne Moreau, Gilles Ronse, et al.
Food and Bioprocess Technology 9 (8) 1367 (2016)

Microstructure and long-term stability of spray dried emulsions with ultra-high oil content

Anwesha Sarkar, Judith Arfsten, Pierre-Alain Golay, Simone Acquistapace and Emmanuel Heinrich
Food Hydrocolloids 52 857 (2016)

Correlation between bulk characteristics of aggregated β-lactoglobulin and its surface and foaming properties

Jannika Dombrowski, Florian Johler, Malou Warncke and Ulrich Kulozik
Food Hydrocolloids 61 318 (2016)

High moisture extrusion for microparticulation of whey proteins –Influence of process parameters

Magdalena Wolz, Simon Kastenhuber and Ulrich Kulozik
Journal of Food Engineering 185 56 (2016)

A deterministic approach for predicting the transformation of starch suspensions in tubular heat exchangers

A. Plana-Fattori, D. Flick, F. Ducept, et al.
Journal of Food Engineering 171 28 (2016)

Effect of heating strategies on whey protein denaturation—Revisited by liquid chromatography quadrupole time-of-flight mass spectrometry

M. Akkerman, V.M. Rauh, M. Christensen, et al.
Journal of Dairy Science 99 (1) 152 (2016)

Heat stability of indigenous milk plasmin and proteases from Pseudomonas: A challenge in the production of ultra-high temperature milk products

Marina Stoeckel, Melanie Lidolt, Timo Stressler, et al.
International Dairy Journal 61 250 (2016)

Thermally driven interactions between β-lactoglobulin and retinol acetate investigated by fluorescence spectroscopy and molecular modeling methods

Ana-Maria Simion Ciuciu, Iuliana Aprodu, Petru Alexe and Nicoleta Stănciuc
Dairy Science & Technology 96 (3) 405 (2016)

Determination of Cheese Authenticity by Carbon and Nitrogen Isotope Analysis: Stelvio Cheese as a Case Study

Calogero Capici, Tanja Mimmo, Luis Kerschbaumer, Stefano Cesco and Matteo Scampicchio
Food Analytical Methods 8 (8) 2157 (2015)

Modeling, Simulation, and Experimental Validation of Drying and Denaturation Behavior of Whey Protein Isolate–Based Coatings

M. Schmid, S. Eib and M. Reinelt
Drying Technology 33 (11) 1382 (2015)

Membrane fouling during ultra- and microfiltration of whey and whey proteins at different environmental conditions: The role of aggregated whey proteins as fouling initiators

Tim Steinhauer, Melanie Marx, Kerstin Bogendörfer and Ulrich Kulozik
Journal of Membrane Science 489 20 (2015)

Denaturation Kinetics of Whey Protein Isolate Solutions and Fouling Mass Distribution in a Plate Heat Exchanger

Marwa Khaldi, Gilles Ronse, Christophe André, et al.
International Journal of Chemical Engineering 2015 1 (2015)

A Population Balance Model integrating some specificities of the β-lactoglobulin thermally-induced aggregation

Nicolas Erabit, Fatou Toutie Ndoye, Graciela Alvarez and Denis Flick
Journal of Food Engineering 144 66 (2015)

The Combined Effect of High Hydrostatic Pressure and Calcium Salts on the Stability, Solubility and Gel Formation of β-Lactoglobulin

Daniel Saalfeld, Ina Riegel, Ulrich Kulozik and Ronald Gebhardt
Foods 4 (2) 229 (2015)

Influence of denaturation and aggregation of β-lactoglobulin on its tryptic hydrolysis and the release of functional peptides

Elena Leeb, Alexander Götz, Thomas Letzel, Seronei Chelulei Cheison and Ulrich Kulozik
Food Chemistry 187 545 (2015)

A Comparison of the Effectiveness of Sonication, High Shear Mixing and Homogenisation on Improving the Heat Stability of Whey Protein Solutions

Li Ling A. Koh, Jayani Chandrapala, Bogdan Zisu, et al.
Food and Bioprocess Technology 7 (2) 556 (2014)

Plasmin activity as a possible cause for age gelation in UHT milk produced by direct steam infusion

Valentin M. Rauh, Anja Sundgren, Mette Bakman, et al.
International Dairy Journal 38 (2) 199 (2014)

Heat-Induced Aggregation of Whey Proteins in Aqueous Solutions below Their Isoelectric Point

Leonardo Cornacchia, Cécile Forquenot de la Fortelle and Paul Venema
Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry 62 (3) 733 (2014)

The use of ultrasonic feed pre-treatment to reduce membrane fouling in whey ultrafiltration

Li Ling A. Koh, Hanh Thi Hong Nguyen, Jayani Chandrapala, et al.
Journal of Membrane Science 453 230 (2014)