Free Access
Volume 80, Number 1, January-February 2000
New applications of membrane technology in the dairy industry
Page(s) 43 - 50
DOI: 10.1051/lait:2000106

Lait 80 (2000) 43-50

The pre-concentration of milk by nanofiltration in the production of Quarg-type fresh cheeses

Germano Mucchetti ${^{\rm a}}$, Giorgio Zardi ${^{\rm b}}$, Fiorenzo Orlandini ${^{\rm c}}$, Carlo Gostoli ${^{\rm c}}$

${^{\rm a}}$Istituto Sperimentale Lattiero Caseario,Via Lombardo 11, 26900 Lodi, Italy
${^{\rm b}}$ENEA-INN BIO AG, Via Martiri di Monte Sole 4, 40129 Bologna, Italy
${^{\rm c}}$Department of Chemical Engineering, University of Bologna, V. Risorgimento 2, 40136, Bologna, Italy


Milk pre-concentration by nanofiltration (NF) was proposed for fresh Quarg-type cheese manufacturing. NF process modelling by means of model solutions showed that transmembrane pressure and flow velocity had a clear effect on both permeation flux and lactose retention, that a rise in temperature resulted in an increase in permeate flux and a decrease in lactose retention, and that monovalent ion retention depended heavily on the concentration. Milk was concentrated 2 to 3 times by NF. Permeation fluxes were in a range of 10 to $\rm 41~kg\cdot h^{-1}\cdot m^{-2}$ and solute retentions were in accordance with the results from model solutions. Quarg obtained using milk NF retentates was naturally sweeter ( $\rm 61.52\pm 4.30~g\cdot L^{-1}$ lactose) than traditional fresh cheese and had a high calcium content ( $\rm 2.01\pm 0.33~g\cdot L^{-1}$) and no bitter taste. Whey had a higher total solids and lactose content and, therefore, required an easier treatment than normal Quarg acid whey.

Correspondence and reprints: G. Mucchetti

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