Free Access
Volume 49, Number 483-484, 1969
Page(s) 175 - 188
Lait 49 (1969) 175-188
DOI: 10.1051/lait:1969483-48410

Dosage du phosphore dans le lait


Président de la Commission Internationale d'Analyse du Lait

(Reçu pour publication en octobre 1968.)

Abstract - The International Dairy Federation has standardized an official method for the determination of phosphorus in milk on the following basis :
1) Dry ashing at 500° C - 550° C. This treatment of the test portion was preferred to wet mineralization. The reasons for that are given.
2) Colorimetric determination of phosphorus by the Allen's method (reduction of phosphomolybdate by diamidophenol). This treatment was prefered to reduction of phosphomolybdate by hydrazine sulfate for the given reasons.
The repeatibility of this method is excellent (less than 0,003 g of phosphorus for 100 g of milk)