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A new UHPLC method for the quantitation of furosine as heat load indicator in commercial liquid milk

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New Trends for the Evaluation of Heat Treatments of Milk

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Predicting lactulose concentration in heat-treated reconstituted skim milk powder using front-face fluorescence

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Potential of Multispectral Imager to Characterize Anisotropic French PDO Cheeses: A Feasibility Study

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Fluorescence spectroscopy coupled with PARAFAC and PLS DA for characterization and classification of honey

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Potential of fluorescence spectroscopy for the characterisation of maple syrup flavours

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Potential of a custom-designed fluorescence imager combined with multivariate statistics for the study of chemical and mechanical characteristics of beef meat

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Determination of Lactulose and Furosine Formation in Heated Milk as a Milk Quality Indicator

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Application of synchronous fluorescence spectroscopy for the determination of some chemical parameters in PDO French blue cheeses

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Synchronous front-face fluorescence spectroscopy as a promising tool for the rapid determination of spoilage bacteria on chicken breast fillet

A. Sahar, T. Boubellouta and É. Dufour
Food Research International 44 (1) 471 (2011)

Fluorescence Spectroscopy Measurement for Quality Assessment of Food Systems—a Review

Romdhane Karoui and Christophe Blecker
Food and Bioprocess Technology 4 (3) 364 (2011)

Short communication: Suitability of fluorescence spectroscopy for characterization of commercial milk of different composition and origin

M.P. Ntakatsane, X.Q. Yang, M. Lin, X.M. Liu and P. Zhou
Journal of Dairy Science 94 (11) 5375 (2011)

Nutritional value and digestion rate of rhea meat proteins in association with storage and cooking processes

Renata S. Filgueras, Philippe Gatellier, Claude Ferreira, Rui C. Zambiazi and Véronique Santé-Lhoutellier
Meat Science 89 (1) 6 (2011)

Pulsed Electric Field-Induced Structural Modification of Whey Protein Isolate

Bob Y. Xiang, Michael O. Ngadi, Luz A. Ochoa-Martinez and Marian V. Simpson
Food and Bioprocess Technology 4 (8) 1341 (2011)

Determination of lactulose in foods: a review of recent research

Zhong Zhang, Ruijin Yang, He Wang, Fayin Ye, Sha Zhang and Xiao Hua
International Journal of Food Science & Technology 45 (6) 1081 (2010)

A novel spectrophotometric method for quantitative determination of lactulose in food industries

Zhong Zhang, He Wang, Ruijin Yang and Xiaoyan Jiang
International Journal of Food Science & Technology 45 (2) 258 (2010)

Potential of synchronous fluorescence spectroscopy coupled with chemometrics to determine the heterocyclic aromatic amines in grilled meat

A. Sahar, S. Portanguen, A. Kondjoyan and É. Dufour
European Food Research and Technology 231 (5) 803 (2010)

A multivariate multianalyte screening method for sulfonamides in milk based on front-face fluorescence spectroscopy

N. Rodríguez, M.C. Ortiz, L.A. Sarabia and A. Herrero
Analytica Chimica Acta 657 (2) 136 (2010)

Synchronous Front‐Face Fluorescence Spectroscopy Coupled with Parallel Factors (PARAFAC) Analysis to Study the Effects of Cooking Time on Meat

Amna Sahar, Tahar Boubellouta, Stéphane Portanguen, Alain Kondjoyan and Éric Dufour
Journal of Food Science 74 (9) (2009)

Use of meat fluorescence emission as a marker of oxidation promoted by cooking

Ph. Gatellier, V. Santé-Lhoutellier, S. Portanguen and A. Kondjoyan
Meat Science 83 (4) 651 (2009)

Development of a portable spectrofluorometer for measuring the quality of cheese

Romdhane Karoui and Éric Dufour
Dairy Science and Technology 88 (4-5) 477 (2008)

Utilisation of front face fluorescence spectroscopy as a tool for the prediction of some chemical parameters and the melting point of semi-hard and hard cheeses: a preliminary study

Romdhane Karoui, Josse De Baerdemaeker and Eric Dufour
European Food Research and Technology 226 (5) 1119 (2008)

Potential of front face fluorescence associated to PLS regression to predict nutritional parameters in heat treated infant formula models

R. Diez, M.C. Ortiz, L. Sarabia and I. Birlouez-Aragon
Analytica Chimica Acta 606 (2) 151 (2008)

Fluorimetric detection of protoporphyrins as an indicator for quality monitoring of fresh intact pork meat

J. Schneider, J. Wulf, B. Surowsky, H. Schmidt, F. Schwägele and O. Schlüter
Meat Science 80 (4) 1320 (2008)

Infrared and Fluorescence Spectroscopic Techniques for the Determination of Nutritional Constituents in Foods

A.A. Kulmyrzaev, R. Karoui, J. De Baerdemaeker and E. Dufour
International Journal of Food Properties 10 (2) 299 (2007)

The use of front face fluorescence spectroscopy to classify the botanical origin of honey samples produced in Switzerland

R. Karoui, E. Dufour, J.-O. Bosset and J. De Baerdemaeker
Food Chemistry 101 (1) 314 (2007)

Characterisation of soft cheese by front face fluorescence spectroscopy coupled with chemometric tools: Effect of the manufacturing process and sampling zone

R. Karoui, E. Dufour, R. Schoonheydt and J. De Baerdemaeker
Food Chemistry 100 (2) 632 (2007)

Front-Face Fluorescence Spectroscopy as a Rapid and Nondestructive Tool for Differentiating Various Cereal Products:  A Preliminary Investigation

Romdhane Karoui, Gerald Cartaud and Eric Dufour
Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry 54 (6) 2027 (2006)

Utilisation of front-face fluorescence spectroscopy for the determination of some selected chemical parameters in soft cheeses

Romdhane Karoui, Abdul Mounem Mouazen, Eric Dufour, Robert Schoonheydt and Josse De Baerdemaeker
Le Lait 86 (2) 155 (2006)

Development of a rapid method based on front face fluorescence spectroscopy for the monitoring of egg freshness: 1—evolution of thick and thin egg albumens

Romdhane Karoui, Bart Kemps, Flip Bamelis, et al.
European Food Research and Technology 223 (3) 303 (2006)

Ionic Calcium Determination in Skim Milk with Molecular Probes and Front-Face Fluorescence Spectroscopy: Simple Linear Regression

R.R. Gangidi and L.E. Metzger
Journal of Dairy Science 89 (11) 4105 (2006)

Front-Face Fluorescence Spectroscopy Allows the Characterization of Mild Heat Treatments Applied to Milk. Relations with the Denaturation of Milk Proteins

Asylbek A. Kulmyrzaev, Didier Levieux and Éric Dufour
Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry 53 (3) 502 (2005)

Molecular Fluorescence, Phosphorescence, and Chemiluminescence Spectrometry

Aleeta M. Powe, Kristin A. Fletcher, Nadia N. St. Luce, Mark Lowry, Sharon Neal, Matthew E. McCarroll, Philip B. Oldham, Linda B. McGown and Isiah M. Warner
Analytical Chemistry 76 (16) 4614 (2004)

Spectroscopic techniques coupled with chemometric tools for structure and texture determinations in dairy products

Romdhane Karoui, Gérard Mazerolles and Éric Dufour
International Dairy Journal 13 (8) 607 (2003)