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Recent advances in spray drying relevant to the dairy industry: A comprehensive critical review

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Optimization of spray drying process in cheese powder production

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Towards a more sustainable dairy industry: Integration across the farm–factory interface and the dairy factory of the future

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Changes in Functional Properties of Milk Protein Powders: Effects of Vacuum Concentration and Drying

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Pilot-scale investigation of effectiveness of evaporation of skim milk compared to water

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Study of allicin microcapsules in β-cyclodextrin and porous starch mixture

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From high milk protein powders to the rehydrated dispersions in variable ionic environments: A review

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Single‐Droplet Experimentation on Spray Drying: Evaporation of a Sessile Droplet

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Application of spray drying for preservation of lactic acid starter cultures: a review

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Prediction of dry mass glass transition temperature and the spray drying behaviour of a concentrate using a desorption method

Peng Zhu, Serge Méjean, Eric Blanchard, Romain Jeantet and Pierre Schuck
Journal of Food Engineering 105 (3) 460 (2011)

Simulating Industrial Spray-Drying Operations Using a Reaction Engineering Approach and a Modified Desorption Method

Peng Zhu, Kamlesh Patel, Sean Lin, et al.
Drying Technology 29 (4) 419 (2011)

The influence of stirring speed, temperature and solid concentration on the rehydration time of micellar casein powder

Romain Jeantet, Pierre Schuck, Thierry Six, Christophe Andre and Guillaume Delaplace
Dairy Science & Technology 90 (2-3) 225 (2010)

Stabilization of Curcumin by Complexation with Divalent Cations in Glycerol/Water System

Bachar Zebib, Zéphirin Mouloungui, Virginie Noirot and Enrico Rizzarelli
Bioinorganic Chemistry and Applications 2010 (1) (2010)

Rheology and phase behavior of dense casein micelle dispersions

A. Bouchoux, B. Debbou, G. Gésan-Guiziou, M.-H. Famelart, J.-L. Doublier and B. Cabane
The Journal of Chemical Physics 131 (16) (2009)

Engineering Aspects of Milk and Dairy Products

Everson Miranda, André Bernardo, Gisele Hirata and Marco Giulietti
Contemporary Food Engineering, Engineering Aspects of Milk and Dairy Products 121 (2009)

Surface composition of industrial spray-dried milk powders. 2. Effects of spray drying conditions on the surface composition

Esther H.-J. Kim, Xiao Dong Chen and David Pearce
Journal of Food Engineering 94 (2) 169 (2009)

Cronobacter spp. (« Enterobacter sakazakii » sensu lato) : implication dans la contamination des préparations en poudre pour nourrissons et enfants en bas âge

Isabelle Proudy
Canadian Journal of Microbiology 55 (5) 473 (2009)

Study on microencapsulation of curcumin pigments by spray drying

Yu Wang, Zhaoxin Lu, Fengxia Lv and Xiaomei Bie
European Food Research and Technology 229 (3) 391 (2009)

Residence time distribution: a tool to improve spray-drying control

Romain Jeantet, Fabrice Ducept, Anne Dolivet, Serge Méjean and Pierre Schuck
Dairy Science and Technology 88 (1) 31 (2008)

Relative humidity of outlet air: the key parameter to optimize moisture content and water activity of dairy powders

Pierre Schuck, Anne Dolivet, Serge Méjean and Romain Jeantet
Dairy Science and Technology 88 (1) 45 (2008)

Psychrometry as a Methodological Tool for Optimizing the Spray Drying Process

Eric Rondet, Gilles Baylac and Bernard Bataille
Drug Development and Industrial Pharmacy 34 (3) 235 (2008)

Applications of spray-drying in microencapsulation of food ingredients: An overview

Adem Gharsallaoui, Gaëlle Roudaut, Odile Chambin, Andrée Voilley and Rémi Saurel
Food Research International 40 (9) 1107 (2007)

Thermohygrometric sensor: A tool for optimizing the spray drying process

P. Schuck, S. Méjean, A. Dolivet and R. Jeantet
Innovative Food Science & Emerging Technologies 6 (1) 45 (2005)