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Effect of heat treatment on whey protein-reduced micellar casein concentrate: A study of texture, proteolysis levels and volatile profiles of Cheddar cheeses produced therefrom
Influence of process temperature and salting methods on starter and NSLAB growth and enzymatic activity during the ripening of cheeses produced with Streptococcus thermophilus and Lactobacillus helveticus
Coalho Cheese Made with Protease from Thermomucor indicae‐seudaticae N31: Technological Potential of the New Coagulant for the Production of High‐Cooked Cheese
Carolina Merheb‐Dini, Karina S. Chaves, Eleni Gomes, Roberto da Silva and Mirna L. Gigante Journal of Food Science 81(3) (2016)
Plasmin and coagulant activities in a minicurd model system: Study of technological parameters
M.A. Vélez, M.C. Perotti, M.C. Candioti, C.V. Bergamini and E.R. Hynes Journal of Dairy Science 99(9) 7053 (2016)
The Prevalence and Control of Bacillus and Related Spore-Forming Bacteria in the Dairy Industry
Influence of cheese making technologies on plasmin and coagulant associated proteolysis
María Ayelén Vélez, Carina Viviana Bergamini, María Belén Ramonda, Mario César Candioti, Erica Rut Hynes and María Cristina Perotti LWT - Food Science and Technology 64(1) 282 (2015)
Invited review: Microbial evolution in raw-milk, long-ripened cheeses produced using undefined natural whey starters
Monica Gatti, Benedetta Bottari, Camilla Lazzi, Erasmo Neviani and Germano Mucchetti Journal of Dairy Science 97(2) 573 (2014)
Proteolysis and related enzymatic activities in ten Greek cheese varieties
Influence of processing and ripening parameters on starter, non-starter and propionic acid bacteria and on the ripening characteristics of semi-hard cheeses
Effect of cook temperature on primary proteolysis and predicted residual chymosin activity of a semi-hard cheese manufactured using thermophilic cultures
Formation of heat-induced protein aggregates in milk as a means to recover the whey protein fraction in cheese manufacture, and potential of heat-treating milk at alkaline pH values in order to keep its rennet coagulation properties. A review
Effect of milk pasteurization temperature and in situ whey protein denaturation on the composition, texture and heat-induced functionality of half-fat Cheddar cheese