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Micellar Casein Concentrate in Hard Cheese Production
E. Mel'nikova, Ekaterina Bogdanova, Ekaterina Stanislavskaya, Elena Rudnichenko and Mariya Chekmareva Food Processing: Techniques and Technology 722 (2024)
Thermosonication: A technique to inactivate the plasmin system in milk
Effect of Heat Treatment on Protein Self-Digestion in Ruminants’ Milk
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The impact of heating and drying on protease activities of ruminant milk before and after in vitro infant digestion
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Application of Multiharmonic QCM-D for Detection of Plasmin at Hydrophobic Surfaces Modified by β-Casein
Batch thermosonication for the reduction of plasmin activity in skim milk
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Modeling Milk Heating Processes for the Production of Milk Shelf‐stable without Refrigeration
Destabilization and off-flavors generated by Pseudomonas proteases during or after UHT-processing of milk
Sophie Marchand, Barbara Duquenne, Marc Heyndrickx, Katleen Coudijzer and Jan De Block International Journal of Food Contamination 4(1) (2017)
Heat stability of indigenous milk plasmin and proteases from Pseudomonas: A challenge in the production of ultra-high temperature milk products
Plasmin Activity in UHT Milk: Relationship between Proteolysis, Age Gelation, and Bitterness
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UHT Milk Processing and Effect of Plasmin Activity on Shelf Life: A Review
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Effect of microfiltration of milk on plasmin activity
Effect of various heat treatments on plasminogen activation in bovine milk during refrigerated storage
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Proteolysis of ultra-high pressure homogenised treated milk during refrigerated storage
Analysis of the Peptide Profile of Milk and Its Changes during Thermal Treatment and Storage
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Selective determination of the heat-resistant proteolytic activity of bacterial origin in raw milk