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Similar but not equal – A study on the foam stabilisation mechanism of mechanically whipped cream and aerosol whipping cream

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Understanding the effect of homogenisation pressure on emulsion and foam properties of aerosol whipping cream

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Slower proteolysis in Cheddar cheese made from high-protein cheese milk is due to an elevated whey protein content

E. Reale, S. Govindasamy-Lucey, Y. Lu, M.E. Johnson, J.J. Jaeggi, M. Molitor and J.A. Lucey
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Non-destructive assessment of milk quality using pulsed UV photoacoustic, fluorescence and near FTIR spectroscopy

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Factors affecting the creaming of raw bovine milk: A comparison of natural and accelerated methods

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Prediction of size distribution in dairy cream homogenization

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Expansion of the concept of critical micelle concentration for the application of a saturated monoacylglyceride emulsifier in aerosol whipping cream

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Effect of residence time in the cooker-stretcher on mozzarella cheese composition, structure and functionality

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Digital analysis of polydiacetylene quality tags for contactless monitoring of milk

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Lipid Globules and Fatty Acids in Milk of Lactating Raccoon (Nyctereutes procyonoides)

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Impact of gastric coagulation on the kinetics of release of fat globules from milk of different species

Debashree Roy, Aiqian Ye, Paul J. Moughan and Harjinder Singh
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Effect of substituting whey cream for sweet cream on the textural and rheological properties of cream cheese

M. Brighenti, S. Govindasamy-Lucey, J.J. Jaeggi, M.E. Johnson and J.A. Lucey
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Effects of Human, Caprine, and Bovine Milk Fat Globules on Microbiota Adhesion and Gut Microecology

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Dairy Processing Affects the Gut Digestion and Microecology by Changing the Structure and Composition of Milk Fat Globules

Xinyun Zhou, Hadiatullah Hadiatullah, Ting Guo, Yunping Yao, Changmo Li and Xingguo Wang
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Inactivation of E. coli and L. innocua in milk by a thin film UV-C reactor modified with flow guiding elements (FGE)

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International Journal of Food Microbiology 343 109105 (2021)

Understanding the Effect of Homogenization Pressure on Emulsion and Foam Properties of Aerosol Whipping Cream

Max Blankart, Jochen Weiss and Jörg Hinrichs
SSRN Electronic Journal (2021)

The effect of emulsifier by-products and storage conditions on the techno-functional properties of model aerosol whipping cream

Max Blankart, Sandra Hasenfuss, Alina Rupprecht, Claudia Oellig, Wolfgang Schwack, Michael Granvogl and Jörg Hinrichs
International Dairy Journal 119 104989 (2021)

Effect of storage at high temperature on chemical (composition) and techno-functional characteristics of E471 food emulsifiers applied to aerosol whipping cream

Max Blankart, Claudia Oellig, Sonja Averweg, Wolfgang Schwack and Jörg Hinrichs
Journal of Food Engineering 277 109882 (2020)

Milk as a Complex Multiphase Polydisperse System: Approaches for the Quantitative and Qualitative Analysis

Alena Smirnova, Georgii Konoplev, Nikolay Mukhin, Oksana Stepanova and Ulrike Steinmann
Journal of Composites Science 4 (4) 151 (2020)

Microfiltration of raw milk for production of high-purity milk fat globule membrane material

Steffen F. Hansen, Sean A. Hogan, John Tobin, Jan T. Rasmussen, Lotte B. Larsen and Lars Wiking
Journal of Food Engineering 276 109887 (2020)

The Effect of Salt on the Structure of Individual Fat Globules and the Microstructure of Dry Salted Cheddar Cheese

Lydia Ong, Paolo D’Incecco, Luisa Pellegrino, et al.
Food Biophysics 15 (1) 85 (2020)

Effects of the depletion of whey proteins from unconcentrated milk using microfiltration on the yield, functionality, and nutritional profile of Cheddar cheese

E. Reale, S. Govindasamy-Lucey, M.E. Johnson, J.J. Jaeggi, M. Molitor, Y. Lu and J.A. Lucey
Journal of Dairy Science 103 (11) 9906 (2020)

Technical emulsifiers in aerosol whipping cream – Compositional variations in the emulsifier affecting emulsion and foam properties

Max Blankart, Caroline Kratzner, Katharina Link, Claudia Oellig, Wolfgang Schwack and Jörg Hinrichs
International Dairy Journal 102 104578 (2020)

Milk fat globule size development in the mammary epithelial cell: a potential role for ether phosphatidylethanolamine

Leonie Walter, Vinod K. Narayana, Richard Fry, Amy Logan, Dedreia Tull and Brian Leury
Scientific Reports 10 (1) (2020)

Effects of dietary soybean lecithin oil on the immunoglobulin level and fat globule size of milk in lactating sows

Baoming Shi, Chuanqi Wang, Teng Teng, Tao Liu, Xiwen Zhang and Anshan Shan
Food and Agricultural Immunology 30 (1) 774 (2019)

The effect of physiological state, milk production traits and environmental conditions on milk fat globule size in cow's milk

Leonie Walter, Sue Finch, Brendan Cullen, et al.
Journal of Dairy Research 86 (4) 454 (2019)

Optical properties of human milk

Colin Veenstra, Anki Lenferink, Wilma Petersen, Wiendelt Steenbergen and Nienke Bosschaart
Biomedical Optics Express 10 (8) 4059 (2019)

Revisiting dispersible milk-drug tablets as a solid lipid formulation in the context of digestion

Syaza Y. Binte Abu Bakar, Malinda Salim, Andrew J. Clulow, Adrian Hawley and Ben J. Boyd
International Journal of Pharmaceutics 554 179 (2019)

Separation of Functional Molecules in Food by Membrane Technology

George Q. Chen, Thomas S.H. Leong, Sandra E. Kentish, Muthupandian Ashokkumar and Gregory J.O. Martin
Separation of Functional Molecules in Food by Membrane Technology 267 (2019)

Acceleration of acid gel formation by high intensity ultrasound is linked to whey protein denaturation and formation of functional milk fat globule-protein complexes

Sandra Beyer Gregersen, Lars Wiking and Marianne Hammershøj
Journal of Food Engineering 254 17 (2019)

Measurement of homogenisation efficiency of milk by laser diffraction and centrifugation

Eva Ransmark, Birgitta Svensson, Ingrid Svedberg, Anders Göransson and Tomas Skoglund
International Dairy Journal 96 93 (2019)

Designing phantoms to accurately replicate circular depolarization in biological scattering media

Callum M. Macdonald, Britt Kunnen, Cherie Stayner and Michael R. Eccles
Applied Optics 58 (35) 9577 (2019)

The repartition of whey protein microgels and caseins between fat droplet surface and the continuous phase governs the heat stability of emulsions

Marie Chevallier, Alain Riaublanc, Chantal Cauty, Pascaline Hamon, Florence Rousseau, Jonathan Thevenot, Christelle Lopez and Thomas Croguennec
Colloids and Surfaces A: Physicochemical and Engineering Aspects 563 217 (2019)

Microfiltration and ultra-high-pressure homogenization for extending the shelf-storage stability of UHT milk

P. D'Incecco, V. Rosi, G. Cabassi, J.A. Hogenboom and L. Pellegrino
Food Research International 107 477 (2018)

Effects of processing conditions on the texture and rheological properties of model acid gels and cream cheese

M. Brighenti, S. Govindasamy-Lucey, J.J. Jaeggi, M.E. Johnson and J.A. Lucey
Journal of Dairy Science 101 (8) 6762 (2018)

Adaptive polarization-difference transient imaging for depth estimation in scattering media

Rihui Wu, Adrian Jarabo, Jinli Suo, et al.
Optics Letters 43 (6) 1299 (2018)

Study the effects of varying interference upon the optical properties of turbid samples using NIR spatial light modulation

Oren Shaul, Michal Fanrazi-Kahana, Omri Meitav, Gad A. Pinhasi and David Abookasis
Optics Communications 411 70 (2018)

Optical measurement of instantaneous ultrasound field containing light scatterers based on laser deflection method

Takanobu Kuroyama and Koichi Mizutani
Japanese Journal of Applied Physics 57 (7S1) 07LC12 (2018)

Determination of optical coefficients of tofu using spatially resolved diffuse reflectance at 633 nm

Yoshito Saito, Keiji Konagaya, Tetsuhito Suzuki and Naoshi Kondo
Engineering in Agriculture, Environment and Food 11 (1) 38 (2018)

Changes in the shelf life stability of riboflavin, vitamin C and antioxidant properties of milk after (ultra) high pressure homogenization: Direct and indirect effects

Sion Sharabi, Zoya Okun and Avi Shpigelman
Innovative Food Science & Emerging Technologies 47 161 (2018)

Effects of n-3 fatty acid sources on butter and hard cooked cheese; technological properties and sensory quality

Elise Vanbergue, Catherine Hurtaud, Jean-Louis Peyraud, et al.
International Dairy Journal 82 35 (2018)

Physical, textural, and rheological properties of whipped cream affected by milk fat globule membrane protein

Fangshuai Peng, Shenghua He, Huaxi Yi, et al.
International Journal of Food Properties 21 (1) 1190 (2018)

Effect of homogenisation of cheese milk and high‐shear mixing of the curd during cream cheese manufacture

Dian Widya Ningtyas, Bhesh Bhandari, Nidhi Bansal and Sangeeta Prakash
International Journal of Dairy Technology 71 (2) 417 (2018)

Increasing the heat stability of whey protein-rich emulsions by combining the functional role of WPM and caseins

Marie Chevallier, Alain Riaublanc, Christelle Lopez, Pascaline Hamon, Florence Rousseau, Jonathan Thevenot and Thomas Croguennec
Food Hydrocolloids 76 164 (2018)

Feeding a concentrate rich in rapeseed oil improves fatty acid composition and flavor in Norwegian goat milk

R.A. Inglingstad, S. Skeie, G.E. Vegarud, et al.
Journal of Dairy Science 100 (9) 7088 (2017)

Native casein micelles as nanocarriers for β‐carotene: pH‐and temperature‐induced opening of the micellar structure

Henrike Moeller, Dierk Martin, Katrin Schrader, Wolfgang Hoffmann and Peter Chr. Lorenzen
International Journal of Food Science & Technology 52 (5) 1122 (2017)

Effects of fat sources in sow on the fatty acid profiles and fat globule size of milk and immunoglobulins of sows and piglets

Y.S. Bai, C.Q. Wang, X. Zhao, B.M. Shi and A.S. Shan
Animal Feed Science and Technology 234 217 (2017)

Characterization of Sodium Mobility and Binding by 23Na NMR Spectroscopy in a Model Lipoproteic Emulsion Gel for Sodium Reduction

Kyle S. Okada and Youngsoo Lee
Journal of Food Science 82 (7) 1563 (2017)

Milk fat globules and associated membranes: Colloidal properties and processing effects

Annamari Jukkola and Orlando J. Rojas
Advances in Colloid and Interface Science 245 92 (2017)

A tribological analysis of cream cheeses manufactured with different fat content

Dian Widya Ningtyas, Bhesh Bhandari, Nidhi Bansal and Sangeeta Prakash
International Dairy Journal 73 155 (2017)

Alexander N. Cartwright, Dan V. Nicolau, Dror Fixler, Inbar Yariv, Dror Fixler, Rachel Lubart, Hamootal Duadi and Anat Lipovsky
9721 97210P (2016)

Separation of milk fat globules via microfiltration: Effect of diafiltration media and opportunities for stream valorization

A. Jukkola, R. Partanen, O.J. Rojas and A. Heino
Journal of Dairy Science 99 (11) 8644 (2016)

Effect of Milk Fat Globule Size on the Physical Functionality of Dairy Products

Tuyen Truong, Martin Palmer, Nidhi Bansal and Bhesh Bhandari
SpringerBriefs in Food, Health, and Nutrition, Effect of Milk Fat Globule Size on the Physical Functionality of Dairy Products 5 (2016)

Noninvasive particle sizing using camera-based diffuse reflectance spectroscopy

Otto Højager Attermann Abildgaard, Jeppe Revall Frisvad, Viggo Falster, et al.
Applied Optics 55 (14) 3840 (2016)

The lipid content and microstructure of industrial whole buttermilk and butter serum affect the efficiency of skimming

Sophie Lambert, Nadine Leconte, Marielle Blot, et al.
Food Research International 83 121 (2016)

Lipid composition and structural characteristics of bovine, caprine and human milk fat globules

Yunping Yao, Guozhong Zhao, Jingying Xiang, et al.
International Dairy Journal 56 64 (2016)

Fractality of pulsatile flow in speckle images

M. Nemati, S. Kenjeres, H. P. Urbach and N. Bhattacharya
Journal of Applied Physics 119 (17) (2016)

Effect of Milk Fat Globule Size on the Physical Functionality of Dairy Products

Tuyen Truong, Martin Palmer, Nidhi Bansal and Bhesh Bhandari
SpringerBriefs in Food, Health, and Nutrition, Effect of Milk Fat Globule Size on the Physical Functionality of Dairy Products 1 (2016)

Effect of Milk Fat Globule Size on the Physical Functionality of Dairy Products

Tuyen Truong, Martin Palmer, Nidhi Bansal and Bhesh Bhandari
SpringerBriefs in Food, Health, and Nutrition, Effect of Milk Fat Globule Size on the Physical Functionality of Dairy Products 11 (2016)

Effect of Milk Fat Globule Size on the Physical Functionality of Dairy Products

Tuyen Truong, Martin Palmer, Nidhi Bansal and Bhesh Bhandari
SpringerBriefs in Food, Health, and Nutrition, Effect of Milk Fat Globule Size on the Physical Functionality of Dairy Products 35 (2016)

Effect of ultrasonic homogenization on the Vis/NIR bulk optical properties of milk

Ben Aernouts, Robbe Van Beers, Rodrigo Watté, et al.
Colloids and Surfaces B: Biointerfaces 126 510 (2015)

Detecting concentrations of milk components by an iterative optical technique

Inbar Yariv, Yaara Kapp‐Barnea, Eran Genzel, Hamootal Duadi and Dror Fixler
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Interfacial properties and transmission electron microscopy revealing damage to the milk fat globule system after pulsed electric field treatment

Pankaj Sharma, Indrawati Oey and David W. Everett
Food Hydrocolloids 47 99 (2015)

Laser diode self-mixing interferometry for velocity measurements

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Non-Invasive Assessment of Dairy Products Using Spatially Resolved Diffuse Reflectance Spectroscopy

Otto H. A. Abildgaard, Faisal Kamran, Anders B. Dahl, Jacob L. Skytte, Frederik D. Nielsen, Carsten L. Thomsen, Peter E. Andersen, Rasmus Larsen and Jeppe R. Frisvad
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Motion analysis and removal in intensity variation based OCT angiography

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