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Use of apple pomace, glycerine, and potato wastewater for the production of propionic acid and vitamin B12
Kamil Piwowarek, Edyta Lipińska, Elżbieta Hać-Szymańczuk, Vitaliy Kolotylo and Marek Kieliszek Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology 106(17) 5433 (2022)
Genomic rearrangements in the aspA-dcuA locus of Propionibacterium freudenreichii are associated with aspartase activity
Meral Turgay, Hélène Falentin, Stefan Irmler, Marie-Therese Fröhlich-Wyder, Marco Meola, Simone Oberhaensli and Hélène Berthoud-dit-Gallon Marchand Food Microbiology 106 104030 (2022)
A review of methods for the inference and experimental confirmation of microbial association networks in cheese
Investigation of opening eye defects and effects of different ripening profiles on eye structure in semi-hard cheese using X-ray micro-computed tomography
Use of Propionibacterium freudenreichii T82 Strain for Effective Biosynthesis of Propionic Acid and Trehalose in a Medium with Apple Pomace Extract and Potato Wastewater
Kamil Piwowarek, Edyta Lipińska, Elżbieta Hać-Szymańczuk, Anna Maria Kot, Marek Kieliszek and Sylwia Bonin Molecules 26(13) 3965 (2021)
How probiotics face food stress: They get by with a little help
Propionibacterium spp.—source of propionic acid, vitamin B12, and other metabolites important for the industry
Kamil Piwowarek, Edyta Lipińska, Elżbieta Hać-Szymańczuk, Marek Kieliszek and Iwona Ścibisz Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology 102(2) 515 (2018)
A bioinformatics pipeline integrating predictive metagenomics profiling for the analysis of 16S rDNA/rRNA sequencing data originated from foods
Feeding reduced-fat dried distillers grains with solubles to lactating Holstein dairy cows does not alter milk composition or cause late blowing in cheese
Microbial Cultures and Enzymes in Dairy Technology
Ayşe Gürsoy and Nazlı Türkmen Advances in Medical Technologies and Clinical Practice, Microbial Cultures and Enzymes in Dairy Technology 234 (2018)
Determination of menaquinone production by Lactococcus spp. and propionibacteria in cheese
Influence of probiotic (Lactobacillus acidophilus
NCFM, L. paracasei
LPC37, and L. rhamnosus
HN001) strains on starter cultures and secondary microflora in Swiss- and Dutch-type cheeses
Compromised Lactobacillus helveticus starter activity in the presence of facultative heterofermentative Lactobacillus casei DPC6987 results in atypical eye formation in Swiss-type cheese
Daniel J. O’Sullivan, Paul L.H. McSweeney, Paul D. Cotter, Linda Giblin and Jeremiah J. Sheehan Journal of Dairy Science 99(4) 2625 (2016)
Survival of lactic acid and propionibacteria in low- and full-fat Dutch-type cheese during human digestionex vivo
Influence of microflora on texture and contents of amino acids, organic acids, and volatiles in semi-hard cheese made with DL-starter and propionibacteria