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Fluorescence spectroscopy as a non destructive method to predict rheological characteristics of Tilsit cheese

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Monitoring of thermal changes in meat by synchronous fluorescence spectroscopy

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Cheese-Matrix Characteristics During Heating and Cheese Melting Temperature Prediction by Synchronous Fluorescence and Mid-infrared Spectroscopies

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Application of synchronous fluorescence spectroscopy for the determination of some chemical parameters in PDO French blue cheeses

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Prediction of Zamorano cheese quality by near-infrared spectroscopy assessing false non-compliance and false compliance at minimum permitted limits stated by designation of origin regulations

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Fluorescence Spectroscopy Measurement for Quality Assessment of Food Systems—a Review

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Preliminary evaluation of endogenous milk fluorophores as tracer molecules for curd syneresis

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Utilisation of attenuated total reflectance MIR and front-face fluorescence spectroscopies for the identification of Saint-Nectaire cheeses varying by manufacturing conditions

Tahar Boubellouta, Romdhane Karoui, Annick Lebecque and Éric Dufour
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Relations Between Spectral and Physicochemical Properties of Cheese, Milk, and Whey Examined Using Multidimensional Analysis

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Food and Bioprocess Technology 3 (2) 247 (2010)

Fluorescence Spectroscopy as a Promising Tool for a Polyphasic Approach to Pseudomonad Taxonomy

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Effects of Mild Heating and Acidification on the Molecular Structure of Milk Components as Investigated by Synchronous Front-Face Fluorescence Spectroscopy Coupled with Parallel Factor Analysis

Tahar Boubellouta and Éric Dufour
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A comparison and joint use of mid infrared and fluorescence spectroscopic methods for differentiating between manufacturing processes and sampling zones of ripened soft cheeses

Romdhane Karoui, Josse De Baerdemaeker and Eric Dufour
European Food Research and Technology 226 (4) 861 (2008)

Investigation of the effects of season, milking region, sterilisation process and storage conditions on milk and UHT milk physico-chemical characteristics: a multidimensional statistical approach

Isabelle Gaucher, Tahar Boubellouta, Eric Beaucher, et al.
Dairy Science and Technology 88 (3) 291 (2008)

Characterization of different blue cheeses using a custom-design multispectral imager

Asylbek Kulmyrzaev, Dominique Bertrand and Éric Dufour
Dairy Science and Technology 88 (4-5) 537 (2008)

The use of front face fluorescence spectroscopy to classify the botanical origin of honey samples produced in Switzerland

R. Karoui, E. Dufour, J.-O. Bosset and J. De Baerdemaeker
Food Chemistry 101 (1) 314 (2007)

Characterisation of soft cheese by front face fluorescence spectroscopy coupled with chemometric tools: Effect of the manufacturing process and sampling zone

R. Karoui, E. Dufour, R. Schoonheydt and J. De Baerdemaeker
Food Chemistry 100 (2) 632 (2007)

Monitoring the molecular changes by front face fluorescence spectroscopy throughout ripening of a semi-hard cheese

R. Karoui, E. Dufour and J. De Baerdemaeker
Food Chemistry 104 (1) 409 (2007)

Mid‐infrared spectroscopy as a new tool for the evaluation of fish freshness

Romdhane Karoui, Bruno Lefur, Christel Grondin, Emilie Thomas, Claude Demeulemester, Josse De Baerdemaeker and Anne‐Sophie Guillard
International Journal of Food Science & Technology 42 (1) 57 (2007)

Front face fluorescence spectroscopy coupled with chemometric tools for monitoring the oxidation of semi-hard cheeses throughout ripening

Romdhane Karoui, Éric Dufour and Josse De Baerdemaeker
Food Chemistry 101 (3) 1305 (2007)

Fluorescence spectroscopy and chemometrics in the food classification - a review

Jana Sádecká and Jana Tóthová
Czech Journal of Food Sciences 25 (4) 159 (2007)

Infrared and Fluorescence Spectroscopic Techniques for the Determination of Nutritional Constituents in Foods

A.A. Kulmyrzaev, R. Karoui, J. De Baerdemaeker and E. Dufour
International Journal of Food Properties 10 (2) 299 (2007)

Utilisation of front-face fluorescence spectroscopy for the determination of some selected chemical parameters in soft cheeses

Romdhane Karoui, Abdul Mounem Mouazen, Eric Dufour, Robert Schoonheydt and Josse De Baerdemaeker
Le Lait 86 (2) 155 (2006)

Feasibility study of discriminating the manufacturing process and sampling zone in ripened soft cheeses using attenuated total reflectance MIR and fiber optic diffuse reflectance VIS–NIR spectroscopy

Romdhane Karoui, Abdul Mounem Mouazen, Herman Ramon, Robert Schoonheydt and Josse De Baerdemaeker
Food Research International 39 (5) 588 (2006)

Utilisation of a rapid technique based on front-face fluorescence spectroscopy for differentiating between fresh and frozen–thawed fish fillets

Romdhane Karoui, Emilie Thomas and Eric Dufour
Food Research International 39 (3) 349 (2006)

Mapping of ice cream formulation using front-face fluorescence spectroscopy

C. Granger, J.P. Da Costa, J. Toutain, P. Barey and M. Cansell
International Dairy Journal 16 (5) 489 (2006)

Prediction of the rheology parameters of ripened semi-hard cheeses using fluorescence spectra in the UV and visible ranges recorded at a young stage

Romdhane Karoui and Éric Dufour
International Dairy Journal 16 (12) 1490 (2006)

Development of a rapid method based on front face fluorescence spectroscopy for the monitoring of egg freshness: 1—evolution of thick and thin egg albumens

Romdhane Karoui, Bart Kemps, Flip Bamelis, et al.
European Food Research and Technology 223 (3) 303 (2006)

Ionic Calcium Determination in Skim Milk with Molecular Probes and Front-Face Fluorescence Spectroscopy: Simple Linear Regression

R.R. Gangidi and L.E. Metzger
Journal of Dairy Science 89 (11) 4105 (2006)

Mid-infrared spectrometry: A tool for the determination of chemical parameters in Emmental cheeses produced during winter

Romdhane Karoui, Abdul Mounem Mouazen, Éric Dufour, et al.
Le Lait 86 (1) 83 (2006)

Application of the MIR for the determination of some chemical parameters in European Emmental cheeses produced during summer

Romdhane Karoui, Abdul Mounem Mouazen, Éric Dufour, et al.
European Food Research and Technology 222 (1-2) 165 (2006)

Front-Face Fluorescence Spectroscopy as a Rapid and Nondestructive Tool for Differentiating Various Cereal Products:  A Preliminary Investigation

Romdhane Karoui, Gerald Cartaud and Eric Dufour
Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry 54 (6) 2027 (2006)

Interactions between Bovine β-Lactoglobulin A and Various Bioactive Peptides As Studied by Front-Face Fluorescence Spectroscopy

Samira Roufik, Sylvie F. Gauthier, Éric Dufour and Sylvie L. Turgeon
Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry 54 (14) 4962 (2006)

A comparison and joint use of VIS-NIR and MIR spectroscopic methods for the determination of some chemical parameters in soft cheeses at external and central zones: a preliminary study

Romdhane Karoui, Abdul Mounem Mouazen, Éric Dufour, Robert Schoonheydt and Josse De Baerdemaeker
European Food Research and Technology 223 (3) 363 (2006)

Multivariate Autofluorescence of Intact Food Systems

Jakob Christensen, Lars Nørgaard, Rasmus Bro and Søren Balling Engelsen
Chemical Reviews 106 (6) 1979 (2006)

Development of a rapid method based on front-face fluorescence spectroscopy for the monitoring of egg freshness: 2—evolution of egg yolk

Romdhane Karoui, Bart Kemps, Flip Bamelis, et al.
European Food Research and Technology 223 (2) 180 (2006)

Investigation of variety, typicality and vintage of French and German wines using front-face fluorescence spectroscopy

É. Dufour, A. Letort, A. Laguet, A. Lebecque and J.N. Serra
Analytica Chimica Acta 563 (1-2) 292 (2006)

Common components and specific weights analysis: A tool for monitoring the molecular structure of semi-hard cheese throughout ripening

Romdhane Karoui, Éric Dufour and Josse De Baerdemaeker
Analytica Chimica Acta 572 (1) 125 (2006)

Investigation at the molecular level of soft cheese quality and ripening by infrared and fluorescence spectroscopies and chemometrics—relationships with rheology properties

A. Kulmyrzaev, É. Dufour, Y. Noël, et al.
International Dairy Journal 15 (6-9) 669 (2005)

The potential of combined infrared and fluorescence spectroscopies as a method of determination of the geographic origin of Emmental cheeses

Romdhane Karoui, Éric Dufour, Laurent Pillonel, et al.
International Dairy Journal 15 (3) 287 (2005)

Direct quantification of protein partitioning in oil-in-water emulsion by front-face fluorescence: Avoiding the need for centrifugation

C. Granger, P. Barey, J. Toutain and M. Cansell
Colloids and Surfaces B: Biointerfaces 43 (3-4) 158 (2005)

Application of Fluorescence Spectroscopy in the Evaluation of Light-Induced Oxidation in Cheese

Charlotte M. Andersen, Mette Vishart and Vibeke K. Holm
Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry 53 (26) 9985 (2005)

Authentication of the Botanical Origin of Honey by Front-Face Fluorescence Spectroscopy. A Preliminary Study

Kaspar Ruoff, Romdhane Karoui, Eric Dufour, Werner Luginbühl, Jacques-Olivier Bosset, Stefan Bogdanov and Renato Amadò
Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry 53 (5) 1343 (2005)

Fluorescence spectroscopy and PARAFAC in the analysis of yogurt

J. Christensen, E. Miquel Becker and C.S. Frederiksen
Chemometrics and Intelligent Laboratory Systems 75 (2) 201 (2005)

Monitoring the geographic origin of both experimental French Jura hard cheeses and Swiss Gruyère and L’Etivaz PDO cheeses using mid-infrared and fluorescence spectroscopies: a preliminary investigation

Romdhane Karoui, Jacques-Olivier Bosset, Gérard Mazerolles, Asylbek Kulmyrzaev and Éric Dufour
International Dairy Journal 15 (3) 275 (2005)

Probing structural features of water-insoluble proteins by front-face fluorescence

Francesco Bonomi, Giuseppe Mora, Maria Ambrogina Pagani and Stefania Iametti
Analytical Biochemistry 329 (1) 104 (2004)

A rapid method based on front-face fluorescence spectroscopy for the monitoring of the texture of meat emulsions and frankfurters

Irène Allais, Christophe Viaud, Arnaud Pierre and Éric Dufour
Meat Science 67 (2) 219 (2004)

Dynamic testing rheology and fluorescence spectroscopy investigations of surface to centre differences in ripened soft cheeses

Romdhane Karoui and Éric Dufour
International Dairy Journal 13 (12) 973 (2003)

Development of Intrinsic Fluorescent Multispectral Imagery Specific for Fat, Connective Tissue, and Myofibers in Meat

P. O. Skjervold, R. G. Taylor, J. P. Wold, P. Berge, S. Abouelkaram, J. Culioli and É. Dufour
Journal of Food Science 68 (4) 1161 (2003)

Application of Fluorescence Spectroscopy and Chemometrics in the Evaluation of Processed Cheese During Storage

J. Christensen, V.T. Povlsen and J. Sørensen
Journal of Dairy Science 86 (4) 1101 (2003)

Spectroscopic techniques coupled with chemometric tools for structure and texture determinations in dairy products

Romdhane Karoui, Gérard Mazerolles and Éric Dufour
International Dairy Journal 13 (8) 607 (2003)

Front-Face Fluorescence Spectroscopy and Chemometrics in Analysis of Yogurt: Rapid Analysis of Riboflavin

E. Miquel Becker, J. Christensen, C.S. Frederiksen and V.K. Haugaard
Journal of Dairy Science 86 (8) 2508 (2003)

Development of a rapid method based on front-face fluorescence spectroscopy for the monitoring of fish freshness

Éric Dufour, Jean Pierre Frencia and Elhousseynou Kane
Food Research International 36 (5) 415 (2003)

Molecular Fluorescence, Phosphorescence, and Chemiluminescence Spectrometry

Rezik A. Agbaria, Philip B. Oldham, Matthew McCarroll, Linda B. McGown and Isiah M. Warner
Analytical Chemistry 74 (16) 3952 (2002)