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Accelerated Aging Test of Sterilized Acidic Pudding: Combined Effects of Temperature, Headspace Volume, and Agitation
Anne-Laure Moufle, Pierre-Alexis François, Julie Jamet and Romdhane Karoui Food and Bioprocess Technology 11(7) 1286 (2018)
Fluorescence spectroscopy coupled with independent components analysis to monitor molecular changes during heating and cooling of Cantal‐type cheeses with different NaCl and KCl contents
Contribution of fluorescence spectroscopy and independent components analysis to the evaluation of NaCl and KCl effects on molecular-structure and fat melting temperatures of Cantal-type cheese
The effect of refrigerated storage of raw milk on the physicochemical and microbiological quality of Tunisian semihard Gouda‐type cheese during ripening
MELIKA MANKAI, MOUNA BOULARES, OLFA BEN MOUSSA, ROMDHANE KAROUI and MNASSER HASSOUNA International Journal of Dairy Technology 65(2) 250 (2012)
Cheese-Matrix Characteristics During Heating and Cheese Melting Temperature Prediction by Synchronous Fluorescence and Mid-infrared Spectroscopies
Prediction of Zamorano cheese quality by near-infrared spectroscopy assessing false non-compliance and false compliance at minimum permitted limits stated by designation of origin regulations
Utilisation of attenuated total reflectance MIR and front-face fluorescence spectroscopies for the identification of Saint-Nectaire cheeses varying by manufacturing conditions
Tahar Boubellouta, Romdhane Karoui, Annick Lebecque and Éric Dufour European Food Research and Technology 231(6) 873 (2010)
Relations Between Spectral and Physicochemical Properties of Cheese, Milk, and Whey Examined Using Multidimensional Analysis
Effects of Mild Heating and Acidification on the Molecular Structure of Milk Components as Investigated by Synchronous Front-Face Fluorescence Spectroscopy Coupled with Parallel Factor Analysis
A comparison and joint use of mid infrared and fluorescence spectroscopic methods for differentiating between manufacturing processes and sampling zones of ripened soft cheeses
Investigation of the effects of season, milking region, sterilisation process and storage conditions on milk and UHT milk physico-chemical characteristics: a multidimensional statistical approach
Isabelle Gaucher, Tahar Boubellouta, Eric Beaucher, et al. Dairy Science and Technology 88(3) 291 (2008)
An overview of analytical methods for determining the geographical origin of food products
Characterisation of soft cheese by front face fluorescence spectroscopy coupled with chemometric tools: Effect of the manufacturing process and sampling zone
Mid‐infrared spectroscopy as a new tool for the evaluation of fish freshness
Romdhane Karoui, Bruno Lefur, Christel Grondin, Emilie Thomas, Claude Demeulemester, Josse De Baerdemaeker and Anne‐Sophie Guillard International Journal of Food Science & Technology 42(1) 57 (2007)
Front face fluorescence spectroscopy coupled with chemometric tools for monitoring the oxidation of semi-hard cheeses throughout ripening
Utilisation of front-face fluorescence spectroscopy for the determination of some selected chemical parameters in soft cheeses
Romdhane Karoui, Abdul Mounem Mouazen, Eric Dufour, Robert Schoonheydt and Josse De Baerdemaeker Le Lait 86(2) 155 (2006)
Feasibility study of discriminating the manufacturing process and sampling zone in ripened soft cheeses using attenuated total reflectance MIR and fiber optic diffuse reflectance VIS–NIR spectroscopy
Romdhane Karoui, Abdul Mounem Mouazen, Herman Ramon, Robert Schoonheydt and Josse De Baerdemaeker Food Research International 39(5) 588 (2006)
Utilisation of a rapid technique based on front-face fluorescence spectroscopy for differentiating between fresh and frozen–thawed fish fillets
Development of a rapid method based on front face fluorescence spectroscopy for the monitoring of egg freshness: 1—evolution of thick and thin egg albumens
Front-Face Fluorescence Spectroscopy as a Rapid and Nondestructive Tool for Differentiating Various Cereal Products: A Preliminary Investigation
Romdhane Karoui, Gerald Cartaud and Eric Dufour Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry 54(6) 2027 (2006)
Interactions between Bovine β-Lactoglobulin A and Various Bioactive Peptides As Studied by Front-Face Fluorescence Spectroscopy
Samira Roufik, Sylvie F. Gauthier, Éric Dufour and Sylvie L. Turgeon Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry 54(14) 4962 (2006)
A comparison and joint use of VIS-NIR and MIR spectroscopic methods for the determination of some chemical parameters in soft cheeses at external and central zones: a preliminary study
Romdhane Karoui, Abdul Mounem Mouazen, Éric Dufour, Robert Schoonheydt and Josse De Baerdemaeker European Food Research and Technology 223(3) 363 (2006)
Multivariate Autofluorescence of Intact Food Systems
Jakob Christensen, Lars Nørgaard, Rasmus Bro and Søren Balling Engelsen Chemical Reviews 106(6) 1979 (2006)
Development of a rapid method based on front-face fluorescence spectroscopy for the monitoring of egg freshness: 2—evolution of egg yolk
Investigation at the molecular level of soft cheese quality and ripening by infrared and fluorescence spectroscopies and chemometrics—relationships with rheology properties
Application of Fluorescence Spectroscopy in the Evaluation of Light-Induced Oxidation in Cheese
Charlotte M. Andersen, Mette Vishart and Vibeke K. Holm Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry 53(26) 9985 (2005)
Authentication of the Botanical Origin of Honey by Front-Face Fluorescence Spectroscopy. A Preliminary Study
Kaspar Ruoff, Romdhane Karoui, Eric Dufour, Werner Luginbühl, Jacques-Olivier Bosset, Stefan Bogdanov and Renato Amadò Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry 53(5) 1343 (2005)
Fluorescence spectroscopy and PARAFAC in the analysis of yogurt
Monitoring the geographic origin of both experimental French Jura hard cheeses and Swiss Gruyère and L’Etivaz PDO cheeses using mid-infrared and fluorescence spectroscopies: a preliminary investigation
Romdhane Karoui, Jacques-Olivier Bosset, Gérard Mazerolles, Asylbek Kulmyrzaev and Éric Dufour International Dairy Journal 15(3) 275 (2005)
Probing structural features of water-insoluble proteins by front-face fluorescence
V.K. Upadhyay, P.L.H. McSweeney, A.A.A. Magboul and P.F. Fox Cheese: Chemistry, Physics and Microbiology, General Aspects 1 391 (2004)
A rapid method based on front-face fluorescence spectroscopy for the monitoring of the texture of meat emulsions and frankfurters
Molecular Fluorescence, Phosphorescence, and Chemiluminescence Spectrometry
Rezik A. Agbaria, Philip B. Oldham, Matthew McCarroll, Linda B. McGown and Isiah M. Warner Analytical Chemistry 74(16) 3952 (2002)