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Physicochemical, microbiological, rheological, and sensory properties of yoghurts with new polysaccharide extracts from Lactarius volemus Fr. using three probiotics
Yanyan Huang, Shan Zhao, Kun Yao, Dongmei Liu, Xin Peng, Juan Huang, Yongyao Huang and Li Li International Journal of Dairy Technology 73(1) 168 (2020)
Detection of adulteration in milk: A review
Amrita Poonia, Alok Jha, Rajan Sharma, Harikesh Bahadur Singh, Ashwini Kumar Rai and Nitya Sharma International Journal of Dairy Technology 70(1) 23 (2017)
Implementation of HACCP Plan for the Production of Egyptian Kishk (A Traditional Fermented Cereal-Milk Mixture)
Mohamed M. Abd El-Razik, Mohamed F. Y. Hassan and Mohamed G. E. Gadallah Food and Nutrition Sciences 07(13) 1262 (2016)
Common milk adulteration and their detection techniques