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Horizontal gene transfer amongst probiotic lactic acid bacteria and other intestinal microbiota: what are the possibilities? A review

Carol A. van Reenen and Leon M. T. Dicks
Archives of Microbiology 193 (3) 157 (2011)

Conjugative Transfer of the Integrative Conjugative Elements ICE St1 and ICE St3 from Streptococcus thermophilus

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Characterization of a Novel Integrative Element, ICE St1 , in the Lactic Acid Bacterium Streptococcus thermophilus

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Are horizontal transfers involved in the evolution of the Streptococcus thermophilus exopolysaccharide synthesis loci?

F Bourgoin, A Pluvinet, B Gintz, B Decaris and G Guédon
Gene 233 (1-2) 151 (1999)