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Neonatal Vitamin C and Cysteine Deficiencies Program Adult Hepatic Glutathione and Specific Activities of Glucokinase, Phosphofructokinase, and Acetyl-CoA Carboxylase in Guinea Pigs’ Livers
Strong effect of Penicillium roqueforti populations on volatile and metabolic compounds responsible for aromas, flavor and texture in blue cheeses
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Effect of ultrasound on proteolysis and the formation of volatile compounds in dry fermented sausages
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Thibault Caron, Mélanie Le Piver, Anne-Claire Péron, Pascale Lieben, René Lavigne, Sammy Brunel, Daniel Roueyre, Michel Place, Pascal Bonnarme, Tatiana Giraud, Antoine Branca, Sophie Landaud and Christophe Chassard (2020)
A comprehensive review of bioactive peptides obtained from animal byproducts and their applications
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Taste and flavor of artisan and industrial Manchego cheese as influenced by the water-soluble extract compounds
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Quality of Fresh and Processed Foods
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Characterization of the Geographical Origin of Pecorino Sardo Cheese by Casein Stable Isotope (13C/12C and 15N/14N) Ratios and Free Amino Acid Ratios
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Isolation of Oligopeptides from the Water-Soluble Extract of Goat Cheese and Their Identification by Mass Spectrometry
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Evaluation of taste compounds in water-soluble extract of goat cheeses
Taste Active Compounds in a Goat Cheese Water-Soluble Extract. 2. Determination of the Relative Impact of Water-Soluble Extract Components on Its Taste Using Omission Tests
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Contribution of low molecular weight water soluble compounds to the taste of cheeses made of cows', ewes’ and goats’ milk
Food Flavors: Formation, Analysis and Packaging Influences, Proceedings of the 9th International Flavor Conference The George Charalambous Memorial Symposium
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Characterization of two male-specific polypeptides in the tergal glands secretions of the cockroach Leucophaea maderae (Dictyoptera, blaberidae)
Food Flavors: Formation, Analysis and Packaging Influences, Proceedings of the 9th International Flavor Conference The George Charalambous Memorial Symposium
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