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Food Biotechnology, Proceedings of an International Symposium organized by the Institute of Technical Biochemistry, Technical University of Lodz, Poland, under the auspices of the Committee of Biotechnology, Polish Academy of Sciences (PAS), Committee of Food Chemistry and Technology, PAS, Working Party on Applied Biocatalysis and Task Group on Public Perception of Biotechnology of the European Federation of Biotechnology, Biotechnology Section of the Polish Biochemical Society
T. Aleksandrzak, M. Kowalczyk, J. Kok and J. Bardowski Progress in Biotechnology, Food Biotechnology, Proceedings of an International Symposium organized by the Institute of Technical Biochemistry, Technical University of Lodz, Poland, under the auspices of the Committee of Biotechnology, Polish Academy of Sciences (PAS), Committee of Food Chemistry and Technology, PAS, Working Party on Applied Biocatalysis and Task Group on Public Perception of Biotechnology of the European Federation of Biotechnology, Biotechnology Section of the Polish Biochemical Society 17 61 (2000)