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Effect of ultrasound intensity on the functional characteristics of rennet‐coagulated skim milk
Ahmed R. A. Hammam, Sergio I. Martinez‐Monteagudo, Lloyd E. Metzger and Khalid A. Alsaleem Journal of Food Process Engineering 44(9) (2021)
Nisin Quantification by ELISA Allows the Modeling of Its Apparent Diffusion Coefficient in Model Cheeses
Samar Aly, Juliane Floury, Marie-Hélène Famelart, Marie-Noëlle Madec, Didier Dupont, Yann Le Gouar, Sylvie Lortal and Sophie Jeanson Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry 59(17) 9484 (2011)
T. P. Guinee and D. J. O'Callaghan 260 (2010)
Engineering Aspects of Milk and Dairy Products
Antonio de Carvalho and J Maubois Contemporary Food Engineering, Engineering Aspects of Milk and Dairy Products 33 (2009)
Formation and properties of the whey protein/κ-casein complexes in heated skim milk – A review
Limited Enzymatic Treatment of Skim Milk Using Chymosin Affects the Micelle/Serum Distribution of the Heat-Induced Whey Protein/κ-Casein Aggregates
Marie Renan, Fanny Guyomarc'h, Marc Chatriot, Valérie Gamerre and Marie-Hélène Famelart Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry 55(16) 6736 (2007)
Chymosin sensitivity of the heat-induced serum protein aggregates isolated from skim milk
Formation of heat-induced protein aggregates in milk as a means to recover the whey protein fraction in cheese manufacture, and potential of heat-treating milk at alkaline pH values in order to keep its rennet coagulation properties. A review