Free Access
Volume 46, Number 451-452, 1966
Page(s) 17 - 32
Lait 46 (1966) 17-32
DOI: 10.1051/lait:1966451-4523

Sur la valeur de l'étude de la covariation entre viscosité et tension superficielle du lait sterilisé analysé au cours d'une année entiere de conservation

Nino PINO and Luigi CHIOFALO

lnstitut de zootechnie générale de la Faculté de médecine vétérinaire de l'Université de Messine (Directeur chargé de cours : Professeur Docteur Nino PINO)

Abstract - The Authors, after predicting that the importance of a research, even if it's indirect, on the biological worth of milk may assume about a better utilisation of it, follow, through a study on the covariance between v and st, the modifications of its bio-colloids. The examination concerns sterilized and analized milk during a whole year of storing, with the programmation of the research by time-observation-groups, bound to some determinated seasonal periods of the suns's year.
The results, marked by the absence of a linear correlation and by the absence of a linearity in the same correlation's absence between v and st, should announce a sommewhat irregular behaviour of the modifications to whose is subjected the milk's colloido-proteic phases with a covariance of values that seams to show itseff through an elicoidal type carriage. This seams to be influenced by the time-seasons's type of the research. Although the high variability, typically irregular, to whom are subjected the milk's bio-colloids, should allow to conclude that the proteic molecular building - to whom is bound, above all, the biological worth of milk - after a year of storing wille lose the typical characters of the rising status